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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Term 6 Topic: Early Islamic Civilisation

We look forward to welcoming you back to school for the start of Term 6 on Tuesday 4th June.

Term 4

  • This term, our topic will be the Early Islamic Civilisation. For more information about our learning, please see the curriculum map for Term 6.
  • Swimming lessons will take place on Tuesday afternoons starting 4th June.
  • The choir will be visiting Canterbury House Care Home.
  • We are busy organising our trip to Canterbury Mosque and also the arrangements for PGL. More information to follow.



  • Performance at 4pm on Thursday 18th July.
  • Please come to school wearing your base costume.
  • Bring a packed lunch, a snack and plenty of water.
  • The show lasts 1 hour and 10 mins.


Costumes - Joseph The Dreamer

Leave of Absence during Term Time


Year 6 2022-23




Goodbye Year 6!


What a term! We have had so much fun! Take a look at the photos in our gallery to see just how much fun we've had! Have a great summer everyone and good luck at your secondary schools. Come back to tell us all about your new adventures!

  • We had a great day at Blean Woods! See the gallery for some lovely photos.
  • Congratulations to all our Year 6 children who worked so hard to achieve their best during SATS week. We are very proud of you all!
  • Termly plans can be found in the Curriculum Folder.

Archived 2021-2022
