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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Teaching our children about maps begins in Year R. The children in our Reception class enjoyed draw a map linked to they journey to school.

Year 1 had a wonderful time on their Treasure Hunt around Faversham Town. They solved the clues while visiting various Faversham landmarks. They discussed the human and physical features and spent some time sketching the Guildhall. They found the treasure at the library and enjoyed sharing a story while we were there.

Year 2 had the most amazing trip to Syndale Farm on Tuesday which was made all the more perfect in the sunshine!  They built dens, explored the natural woodland, identified leaves, used a compass, played in fields of buttercups, met Mrs Clinch's horses and enjoyed the great outdoors!  What a great time was had by all.

Year 3 enjoyed a model-making workshop where they learned how to design and make volcanoes. In their science lesson, they will learn how to make a chemical reaction in order for the volcanoes to erupt! 

Geography Field Trip to the Purifier Building and Creek

Year 2 had an amazing day at wildwood. They had a guided tour of the wood and took part in a work shop all about the food chain.
They also heard how the wolves at Wildwood talk to the wolves at Howlets, even though they are seven miles away!

Our Locality

Learning About Australia

As part of our geography day, Year R held a pirate play and stay for their families. They learnt about map reading and looked at different maps from Faversham to the world! They made private maps and used these to find the treasure! 

Year 4 visited Ospringe to explore how it has changed over the past few hundred years, including identifying signs of the stream that used to run through the area. Mr Bennett delivered a workshop with many before and after photographs that fascinated us all. We conducted some fieldwork in the meadow, plotted key features on maps and recreated some old photos! Thank you so much to Mr Bennett for helping to organise an interesting outing and to our staff and volunteers for enabling the event to go ahead. 

Year 2 Trip By Sophie Rew: On Friday Yellow Class went to Mrs Clinch's Farm. First we got in the two minibuses in groups. When we arrived we got out our compasses and maps and saw where we were going. Then we went to the hops and looked at the cleaver. Cleaver is sticky and Mrs Clinch stuck some to her coat! By Chloe: We walked up the hill ... it was a very muddy path! Then Mrs Clinch showed us a place where we could sit and eat our biscuits. After that we went into the woods and made some amazing dens. By Anton: Finally we set off back to Ethelbert Road but before we left we got to feed the horses with carrots. By Sofia: It was a great trip and my favourite bit was exploring the woods

Learning about countries in our world

China Workshop

Geography of the UK

Exploring Tudor houses in our locality and comparing them to our homes

Exploring our Locality

Gardening Club

Planting Trees and Learning About Our Environment - Year 1

Exploring a farm in Year R
