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Community Primary School

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Reading Journey

Ethelbert Road Reading Journey


At Ethelbert Road we very much believe that every child

at our school is a reader!


We are passionate about reading and we want our children to love reading too.


Our children start learning phonics as soon as they start school. We follow the Rocket Phonics scheme which gives all children a solid base on which to build as they progress through school


In school we teach reading skills through a progressive curriculum, starting with book bands which align to our Rocket Phonics scheme, gradually moving into whole class texts from year 4. We also actively encourage our children, from the moment they start school with us, to enjoy a wide range of age appropriate books, in addition to our book banded book or class texts, help them develop the habit of reading both widely and often, for both pleasure and information.



I will start to learn phonics as soon as I start school

I will progress through the Rocket Phonics scheme

I have a phonics session at least once a day (see progression map YR – Y2). I will be given any additional support I need.

I will be able to take Rocket Phonic books home with me to read and have access to books on the Rocket Phonic website.

I will also be able to take home a range of age appropriate books to share.

I will read with an adult in school at last once a week

I will be read a range of stories and rhymes every day.

I will read with and be read to by my Year 6 Reading Ambassador

I will have a language rich environment, both inside and outside and access to books linked to my learning and books to look at for pleasure.

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist etc.


Year 1

I will read with an adult in school, at least once a week

I have a phonics session at least once a day.

I will continue to progress through the Rocket Phonic Scheme (see progression map YR – Y2). I will be given any additional support I need.

I will experience a range of books at my reading level, containing sounds that I am learning.

I will have a book to take home from my Rocket Phonic group matched to the sounds I am learning in school and I will have access to books on the Rocket Phonics website.

I will also be able to take home a range of age appropriate books to share.

I will be read a range of engaging and age appropriate texts every day.

I will be taught key reading skills in a progressive way through the Guided Reading lessons.

I will complete the phonics screen check.

I will hear a range of age appropriate texts and also share texts during English which relate to our topic.

I will read and be read to by my Year 5 Buddy

If I need extra support, I will read with my Year 6 Reading Ambassador (at least 3 times a week)

I will have a language rich environment, both inside and outside and access to books linked to my learning and books to look at for pleasure.

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist and so on.


Year 2

I will read with an adult in school at last once a week

I have a phonics session at least once a day.

I will continue working through the Rocket Phonic reading scheme which builds on my fluency and comprehension (see progression map YR – Y2).

I will be given any additional support I need.

If I didn’t pass the phonics screen in Year 1, I will be given additional support and try again in year 2.

I will continue to be taught key reading skills in a progressive way through the Guided Reading lessons.

I will hear a range of age appropriate texts and also share texts during English which relate to our topic.

If I need extra support, I will read with my Year 6 Reading Ambassador (at least 3 times a week)

My teacher and other adults will guide me and ensure that I am choosing suitable texts more and more independently.   

I will have a language rich environment, both inside and outside and access to books linked to my learning and books to look at for pleasure.

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist and so on.


Year 3

I will read with an adult in school, at least once a week

I will continue to be taught key reading skills in a progressive way through the Guided Reading lessons.

My teacher and other adults will guide me and ensure that I am choosing suitable texts more and more independently in my free time.

If I did not pass the phonic check in year 2, I will continue to have phonics support following the Rocket Phonics guidance.

I will continue to be taught key reading skills in a progressive way through the Guided Reading lessons.

I will have a language rich environment, and access to books linked to my learning and books to look at for pleasure.

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist etc.



Year 4

Every day, I will be taught key reading skills through a whole class, high quality, age appropriate text, linked to the topic, which will build progressively on the skills I have learned in previous year groups. I will base our writing on that text.

My teacher and other adults will guide me and ensure that I am choosing suitable texts more and more independently.

I will have a language rich environment, and access to books linked to my learning and books to look at for pleasure.

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist and so on.


Year 5

Every day, I will be taught key reading skills through a whole class, high quality, age appropriate text, linked to our topic. I will build progressively on the skills I have learned in the previous year groups and learn to read with more stamina and with a greater depth of understanding. I will base our writing on the class text.

I will be taught practise specific comprehension skills to support me in my understanding. I will have additional support if I need it.

My teacher and other adults will guide me and ensure that I am choosing suitable texts more and more independently.

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist and so on.


Year 6

Every day, I will be taught key reading skills through a whole class, high quality, age appropriate text, linked to our topic. I will build progressively on the skills I have learned in the previous year groups and learn to read with more stamina and with a greater depth of understanding. I will base our writing on the class text.

I will be taught practise specific comprehension skills to support me in my understanding. I will have additional support if I need it.

My teacher and other adults will guide me and ensure that I am choosing suitable texts more and more independently.

I will have a language rich environment

I will have access to a language rich, topic based curriculum

I will have enrichment opportunities in order to read like a historian, mathematician, scientist and so on.

I will have the opportunity to be a Reading Ambassador to support other children to learn to read in the school.


