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Sir Linkalot is an amazing app that is transforming how spelling is taught, especially for those tricky common exception words, all the way from was, two and they up to manoeuvre, fulfil and even onomatopoeia! The app is achieving incredible results, especially for those children who find spelling an issue. 


To find out what it's all about, please click on the following clip (you'll be hooked when the boy says 'I was terrible at it')...The Future of Spelling   


It is not solely for spelling, however. It's covering the whole of the technical requirements of literacy, i.e vocabulary, homophones, punctuation, grammar, rules and patterns. You will see in the above clip that Countdown's Susie Dent is on the app as the resident word detective 'Lady Lexicographer' who will talk about the origin of words on the app that have an interesting story to tell.

Here's are three examples of a ''Susie Story'' plus Sir Linkaot's spelling trick:

Biscuit - Etymology   Biscuit - Spelling   Ocean - Origin     Ocean - Spelling   Manoeuvre - Origin   Manoeuvre - Spelling


Many dyslexia associations endorse the approach as, it's proven, that visual resources are the most powerful way to commit something to memory. Included in the price is free access at home. Parents and pupils of Ethelbert Road can find the username and password on a separate email. It can also be accessed via a laptop or PC. 


In January, Sir Linkalot won the 'Best Educational App' award at this year's Bett Show in London - the world's largest edtech exhibition. Take a look at this clip of him and Susie 'out and about' pre-lockdown (you'll see him coming out with some dance moves that his teenage daughter wasn't happy about but he had good reason to do them)....Sir Linkalot 'Highlights reel' He has been a busy knight over the last six months as has Lady Lexicographer (the children are adorable)...Lockdown with Sir Linkalot


As you will see, Sir Linkalot is to be a BBC partner as they want to use some of his content for BBC Bitesize's 'Catch-up' programme. Ruth Miskin CBE, government advisor and founder of the UK's no 1 phonics programme ''Read, Write Inc'' says that her product and Sir Linkalot are a perfect marriage as she has nothing for her 150 red words (aka tricky) like was, one, two done, all, again etc. She tuned in regularly to the online lessons mentioned in the lockdown clip.


Please take the time to look at this recourse with your child as we believe it could help so many child learn to spell confidently. We would love to hear your feedback, so please do not hesitate to contact us once you have trialed the scheme
