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Good Morning Message

Monday 29th July 2020

laughGood Morning Yellow Class!smiley


How are you all?  I hope that you managed to keep cool last week - what a good week to learn about the temperature. 


Please listen to my Good morning message which I've recorded for you all. 


I have spoken to 9 children so far... it has been absolutely wonderful to hear your voices, listen to your news and speak to you.  Even if I have felt a little bit emotional speaking with you, mostly I feel so proud and super-impressed!


  • Proud because of how grown-up you sound and how confidently you speak, using some great vocabulary
  • Super-impressed because I can't believe how many of you are keeping up with all of the weekly learning. 


Yellow Class, you are AMAZING! 


Be safe, be good, be happy and be explorers!


Mrs Kelleher 


Good Morning from Mrs Kelleher

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