Good Morning Message
Monday 15th June
Good morning Yellow Class!
How are you? I've seen some fabulous photos and videos from some of you so I know that you are really enjoying learning all about deserts.
This week, in English, you will be writing instructions. It would be great if you could work with an adult to make mint tea (a good drink in the desert!) but if you don't want to do that, then you can write instructions for making something else.
In Maths, we will be finishing our learning about time. In Science, you have a fun cacti experiment to do and, in Geography, you will be learning about people who live in the desert.
I continue to miss you all so much, Yellow Class. I know that this lockdown is going on for such a long time and I'm sure that you are really getting fed up of it all now. Lots of you will have grown-ups who are trying to do their work too, so please, just do your best and if you can't complete all of weekly learning, then please DO NOT WORRY AT ALL!
Be safe, be good, be happy and be patient.
Love, Mrs Kelleher
Email me!
ps. I will be telephoning you all, starting this Wednesday from 12pm onwards. I will work through a class list and tick off whom I've spoken to. Please don't worry if you miss my call, I will phone again the following week.
Note to Parents re Term 6, Week 4 (beg. Monday 22nd June)
Next week, we will be learning how to read thermometers in degrees Celsius. Thought I'd let you know now just in case you might like to source one. (It won't be necessary to have one in order to complete next week's Maths but it would definitely be useful!) Thank you so much for all that you are doing.