Letters & Sound
Miss F's Phonics Group:
To recap the sounds that we have covered so far, play this Flash Card Time Trials game. Select Phase 3 from the menu and then click pick individual graphemes. You can select all the phase 2 sounds and then the phase 3 sounds up to sh.
Today we are learning the sound ch. Ch is another digraph; two letters together that make one sound. Watch this video below and see if you can join in making the ch sound.
Now see if you can think of lots of words starting with ch. Draw them on some paper and see if you can write the ch word next to your picture. If you would like more of a challenge, see if you can write a sentence with a ch word in. Have a look at my example below:
Mrs Haylor's Phonics Group:
We are finishing our phase 4 learning today. Spend some time using the Phonics Play website to revise your phase 3 and phase 4 sounds. I have also attached some games that you might like to play.
Mrs Willis' Phonics Group:
I would like you to spend some time revising your Phase 4 and Phase 5 sounds by either visiting the Phonics Play website or by playing the games that I have attached for you.