Subject Leadership
The key purpose of the subject leader for Languages at Ethelbert Road is to ensure that pupils make progress through each year group. This is in order to acquire and apply key knowledge so that they at least meet the agreed age expectation in Languages.
This is achieved by the following methods:
- High quality teaching, from our language Specialist, Mrs Salt. The class teacher and other adults' enthusiasm to continue the learning of key vocabulary throughout the week also supports this. Key resources can be accessed through the school website "Spanish class page" and shared resources in school.
- Ensuring that planning meets the requirements of the schools' agreed curriculum and to compliment each class' termly learning topic, where appropriate.
- Effectively using and sharing resources.
- Having oversight of curriculum coverage and ensuring that the curriculum meets national requirement.
- Ensuring that colleagues are aware of expectations
- Action planning for future development
- Ensuring that appropriate resources are in place to deliver a rich and challenging Languages curriculum.
- Ensuring that teaching within the subject is strong and promotes the acquisition of key knowledge, building on prior learning.
- Leading professional development, providing guidance and support for colleagues.
- Oversee assessment
- Making the best use of financial and Human Resources to impact on standards.
- Promoting the subject and championing the subject with colleagues and pupils.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of teaching and the impact on learning standards.
- Evaluating and summarising all aspects of the subject to define next steps for improvement.