Good Morning message
Monday 8th June 2020
Good Morning Yellow Class!
How are you all? I hope that you enjoyed the first week of learning for Term 6, even if it was tricky to get yourselves ready for learning again after a wonderful, sunny half-term!
This week, you will be making Top Trumps cards in English and, for Geography, you will be learning about the equator. You could make papier-mache globes if you want, how cool would that be!
I wish I could teach you this week's Science... it's all about how animals are suited to the hot desert and the fennec fox is my 2nd favourite desert animal (the meerkat is my No.1!). There are lots of great videos to watch under the Science page.
I wonder if any of you are dancing for Mrs Fulton? Or maybe taking part in the 1km challenge ... let me know how you are getting on.
Remember, even though I am teaching the Orange bubble, I am still your class teacher and I have some time in the afternoons to plan your learning, read your emails and look at your wonderful photos. It is very strange being in school but not having you all there with me and I miss you all so much. Miss Clegg and Mrs Willis both say hello and they want you to know just how proud they are of you all.
Please do keep in touch with me:
Be safe, be good, be happy and be curious!
Love from Mrs Kelleher
ps. Our plants in the school garden are really growing lots now … I wonder how the plants which some of you have grown are doing?
pps. You might want to have a look at this, it's a Puffin books festival: