Miss Tucker's maths loom

There are some multiplication wheels (you multiply the two inner numbers together to get the number on the outside). There are also multiplication triangles, where you use your multiplication and division knowledge to fill in each corner of the triangles. In the example below we have the numbers 8 and 2 and a gap as well as multiplication and division symbols. There is a division sign between the 8 and the gap so we need to figure out 8 divided by what equals 4. We could also work it out by looking at the 8 and 2 which have a dividing sign between them. That would therefore be 8 divided by two. A third way of working it out could be 2 multiplied by what equals 8 and there is a multiplication symbol between the 2 and the gap. You should be able to read the triangle around either way once you have filled them in. The gap in the example below should be filled by the number 4.
There are also some reasoning and problem solving sheets to look at below. You do not need to use every sheet, choose what you think would be most helpful or interesting to you.
If you would like more maths challenges, have a look over in our Extra Challenges tab to find lots of maths challenges linked to this week’s learning.