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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Welcome Message

Welcome Message

  Hello Blue Class,

Welcome back to week 4 of remote learning. You have been doing an absolutely brilliant job in your learning so far and I am SO SO proud of you all! I have been blown away by your leaflets that you sent me last week and I have LOVED seeing how you made the learning your own in so many different ways. You are all amazing! If you want to have a look at each other’s work there are lots of your leaflets on the Year 3 gallery.

  This week we are moving on in our topic and maths learning. In Topic we are going to start learning about Mexico. We are going to look specifically at the festival of the Day of the Dead. This festival was the inspiration for the film Coco, which I know some of you really like. If you haven’t seen it yet (like me) maybe you could watch it this week?

  You are going to be doing some research about this festival and then writing a diary entry as though you had been to the festival – I can’t wait to read them!

  Miss Constantine and I have set up a TTRockstars battle between you and Year 4, I am sure you will all do an amazing job and will be able to beat Year 4! The battle starts at 8:30 am Monday 25th January and ends at 6:30 pm Friday 29th January.

  In maths we are moving on from money to learn about time, you are going to be learning about months, days and telling the time, I am sure you will be fantastic at this, but remember to email if you need me.

  There is lots to explore in our Extra Challenges tab this week so have a look and see what different activities are there to have a go at this week.

  This week we are reading the final chapter of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, so if you have a (shortish) story or book that might link in with our around the world topic, or next term’s local area topic, let me know by Wednesday and that might be the book we read next!

  Remember I am here if you need anything, whether you’re stuck, confused or want to share what you’ve been getting up to with me. Please be mindful of the fact that this is a very strange time so you might well have days when you get lots done and feel really productive (I had one of these on Wednesday – it was great!) and others when you feel like you’re trying to work through heavy, squelchy mud (I had one of these Thursday – it wasn’t as great!). Whether you’re having a super productive day or a squelchy mud day, please be kind to yourself and your family.

  I can’t wait to see you all when we are back together in Blue Class.

Love Miss Tucker
