E Safety
At Ethelbert Road Primary School, we take online safety extremely seriously. It is the right of all children to feel safe and secure when using technology.
Our Digital Leaders take their responsibility for raising the profile of online safety and supporting other children across the school resolutely. You can find more information about our Digital leaders on our Computing page. E-Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.
We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the e-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.
Parents/carers can find further information about E-Safety below, or for more information speak to the class teacher. If you have any safeguarding concerns please speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads, or visit our safeguarding page.
Parent Zone has guides on numerous online platforms such as Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox among others. Please follow the link below and find out more about the sites and games your child is accessing online.
E-Safety advice for parents/Carers
My Life Online Resourse Sheet
As part of our safeguarding duty we use a robust filtering proceduce and the Headteacher monitors IT use weekly.
Filtering and Monitoring
- Ethelbert Road's education broadband connectivity is provided through Talk Straight (Schools Broadband) and Ethelbert Road School uses Netsweeper for its Web filtering.
- Netsweeper blocks access to sites which could promote or include harmful and/or inappropriate behaviour or material. This includes content which promotes discrimination or extremism, drugs/substance misuse, malware/hacking, gambling, piracy and copyright theft, pro-self-harm, eating disorder and/or suicide content, pornographic content and violent material.
- Netsweeper is a member of Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and blocks access to illegal Child Abuse Images and Content (CAIC).
- Netsweeper integrates the ‘the police assessed list of unlawful terrorist content, produced on behalf of the Home Office’
- We work with Structured Network Solutions to ensure that our filtering policy is continually reviewed to reflect our needs and requirements.
- If pupils or staff discover unsuitable sites or material, they are required to:
- Inform the appropriate member of staff so that Structured Network Solutions can be informed and can take approiate action so that the site or seach terms are blocked as required.
- Filtering breaches will be reported to the DSL and technical staff and will be recorded and escalated as appropriate in line with existing policies, including child protection, acceptable use and behaviour.
- Parents/carers will be informed of filtering breaches involving pupils.
- Any access to material believed to be illegal will be reported immediately to the appropriate agencies, such as the IWF, the police and/or NCA-Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (NCA-CEOP).
Safeguarding Information
The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Ethelbert Road Primary School is Mrs Michele Kirkbride (Headteacher) and the Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Lisa Vitiello (Deputy Head and SENCO), Mrs Rix (Early Years) and Mrs Claire Cornall (Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager). Our Safeguarding Governors are David Haigh and Sally Stoker.