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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Monitoring and Assessment

Monitoring and Assessment


Milestones for each year group are set out in the Whole-school "Spanish knowledge, skills and understanding document" and "whole school vocabulary progression document" (See National Curriculum tab).


As the National Curriculum only defines end of Key Stage 2 expectations for languages, the languages subject leader maintains a working monitoring and assessment document relating to whether pupils are


  • below the end of key stage expectation
  • meeting the end of key stage expectation
  • exceeding the end of key stage expectation


in their Spanish learning.



Progress and standards in Spanish are further exemplified in the written work that children complete in their exercise books at Key Stage 2. Coupled with a secure knowledge of each child and their cohort, whilst also considering key pupil groups within our school and outcomes in Spanish for all of these key groups at the end of Key stage 2.


Monitoring - The Spanish curriculum leader works alongside the senior leadership team and other curriculum leaders to closely review evidence.  This includes analysing how planning at Key Stage 2 matches the evidence in books, learning walks, speaking to pupils about their learning and discussing with colleagues what has gone well, as well as areas for improvement and reflection.



