Year 3 2021 - 2022
The children had a fantastic time on our trip to Leeds Castle for our 'From Cave to Castle' workshop. They joined in beautifully, had lots of fun and were a real credit to the school. We are so proud of them and so glad to have seen them finally getting to enjoy a school trip!
We started our day of Christmas fun by making salt dough ornaments ready for the Christmas fayre. The children have all enjoyed making the salt dough and their ornaments.
Year 3 2020-2021
Weaving the Funky Llama - Flora's weaving project
Lego boost

Express Yourself through drumming

Reading of a Poem

Reading research and reflections

What a creative obstacle course!

A brilliant persuasive presentation

A fantastic persuasive presentation

Have a look at some of our class's fantastic Fact sheets, there are lots of pictures to scroll through above and some brilliant work that has been done on the computer. Well done Blue Class, what a fantastic start to Term 3!
Have a read through each others' fact sheets, can you learn something new?
- HB Norway factsheet.docx.pdf
- IW Peru factsheet.docx.pdf
- GW Sri Lanka Factsheet.pdf
- JG Welsh factsheet.pdf
- JJ Finland Fact sheet.pdf
- RT India Factsheet.pdf
- RS Australia Factsheet.pdf
- CD Greenland Factsheet.pdf
- CR Jamaica Factsheet.pdf
- FB India Factsheet (1).pdf
- FS Thailand factsheet.pdf
- OP Fact sheet.pdf
- TD China Fact Sheet.pdf
Year 3 pictures from 2019-2020
Home Learning Term 5 and 6

Violin practice