Finish off your Instruction Writing and Editing/Proof-Reading
Task 1
Finish off your instruction writing.
Task 2 - Editing and Proof-reading
Here is a BBC clip we've watched before to remind us about editing and proof-reading.
Look at this example of editing - this writer has noticed some of the words like: 'would' and 'like' and has used a word bank to correct their spelling. It might look a bit messy, but that is okay, it shows that the writer is improving!
Now that you are all getting better at writing, editing and proof-reading is a really great skill to develop. I never, ever get my writing right the first time that I write something down and I always read it through and then add extra adjectives or correct some of my punctuation. That's what all great writers do! They draft, edit and then re-write their sentences. Sometimes we swap one word for another, because it's a better word choice. Have a go, I think that you might surprise yourselves at how good you are!
- Can you check some of your spellings using a word bank/dictionary?
- Have you used CL and FS for each sentence?
- Did you include some pictures with captions?
- Add some adverbs (usually, _ly words)? For example: Next, mix the ingredients carefully.