Miss Clegg's Thank you!
Today (Thursday 30th Jan), Yellow Class paired up with Orange Class (Year R) and shared their MAGNIFICENT Great Race stories. We had heard through the grapevine that Year R were also learning about the Great Race story so we though it would be a great opportunity to get together. A really super experience, as you can imagine! Well done to Year R and Year 2!
Ru's Mum's Visit
On Thursday 16th January, Ru's Mum came in to talk to us all about her job working in travel. She taught us lots of amazing facts such as how long it would take to get to China and also about some of the things we might see and do when visiting the country. She kindly brought in some brochures for us to look at, as well as some fun travel certificates for us to complete. I know that the children loved listening to her share her knowledge and I think that Yellow Class impressed Ru's Mum too! Thank you!
Christmas Thank you
Numbots Launch / Free Trial 25.11.19
We have signed up for a free trial of Numbots (addition and subtraction facts). The login is the same as for TT Rockstars. Please let me know how the children have got on with it; if successful, we will look to purchase a subscription for Years 1 & 2. Thank you.
Type: into your address bar.
Introduction to Multiplication
Today, we began our unit of learning about Multiplication. The children were fantastic whilst creating their own equal groups of objects and they even started to understand repeated addition, related to multiplication, eg. 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 which is the same as
3 equal groups of 2, or 3 x 2 = 6. Well done Yellow Class!
Home Learning related to The Gunpowder Plot
WOW!! You guys have inspired me with your amazing home learning; from 3D models to fantastic fireworks, from poems to pictures and much more! It is clear to see that you have been independent and they are all totally unique! I THEM ALL!
Don't forget, if you have produced some home learning related to our new History topic, then you can bring it into school at ANY time during this first week back.
Thank you. Mrs K
Drawing our own Number lines in Maths 9.10.19
Really proud of Yellow Class for learning how to draw their own number lines today in order to help them to add 2 numbers together. Beautifully laid out learning too and fab use of rulers! Mrs K
RNLI Certificate
TT Rockstars Launch 1.10.19
Well done to all of Yellow Class for being so keen to play Times Table Rockstars. We have some super high scores already, well done! We will stick with learning the 10x table only for both this week and next week. After that, we will also build in the 5 x table.
Wow! What a fantastic morning we had today, all of us totally engaged and participating with enthusiasm in our Grace Darling drama workshop with Mrs West. We were the sea, the storm clouds, thunder, lightning … we became rocks and lighthouses, Grace and her father. I'm super proud of EVERYONE in Yellow Class for their imagination and use of vocabulary, as well as their ability to make such amazing shapes with their bodies! Mrs K
RNLI Whitstable Trip
What an amazing day we all had learning about the role of the RNLI in saving lives at sea. The children behaved beautifully, displayed excellent listening skills and learnt lots of facts. Did you know that the tractor used to launch the boat at Whitstable cost £500,000! That is is double the cost of their lifeboat …. can you work out how much the lifeboat cost? (Answers to Mrs Kelleher!)
Violin Lessons will take place on Fridays for all children in Yellow Class for the duration of Term 1.
Don't forget, Spellings Checks are on Fridays.
Reading books will be changed on Mondays.
Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays.