12th June 2020
Dear Year 1 parents,
I hope you are keeping well. Unfortunately, Miss French continues to be unwell and I am sure you will join me in wishing her a speedy recovery.
Mrs Ansell has kindly agreed to continue to plan your child’s learning for the rest of this academic term. From Monday 15th June Mrs Clinch will be teaching Yellow Bubble and Mrs Ansell will be teaching Blue Bubble.
For those of you who are continuing to home school your child, I will be replying to emails and keeping the photo gallery up to date. Please stay in touch and send in photographs of your child showing all the lovely things they are doing at home. This is a great way for the class to stay connected.
As always, please take care and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Michele Kirkbride
My Maths 25/3/20
This morning you have all been texted the My Maths school login and your own personal login. The My Maths website is in the learning zone on our class page. You can go onto this site and play games and you can do the tasks that I have set for you. These tasks and games are very good and link in to the work we would have been doing in class. This is a very tricky time for everyone and I completely understand if you do not manage to do them! Hope you are all keeping well - take care of yourselves!
Mrs Stembridge xx
Poetry recital
We are encouraging all of the children to recite poems out loud and are therefore having a whole school poetry recital. We will be reciting our poems in class this week and a class winner will be chosen! This winner will go into the final where the winners from each class will recite their poem to the school in Assembly.
Please help your child to learn one of the poems that were sent home on Friday. It would be brilliant if they could learn it by heart and read it with enthusiasm and expression. If your child has a favourite poem that they would prefer to recite, this is of course fine!
Thank you for your support with this. Poetry recitals can really help build children’s confidence.
Key Steps Gymnastics Competition
This week is our Key Steps gymnastic competition where the entire school will be doing their body management routines. Our PE lessons have been focussing on these routines and you have all had the routines at home too. We look forward to announcing the Gold Silver and Bronze winners in Year 1 this week. Good Luck everyone!
Poetry Competition
As part of our topic on Weather we have been working on weather inspired acrostic poems all week! Every child has done a poem and we have entered them into two poetry competitions. We will let you know if any of year One are winners! One of the competitions prints the winning poems into a book.
World Book Day
Tomorrow Thursday 5 March is World Book Day! Your child is invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. We are excited to see all of their costumes tomorrow.
Marbles in a Jar
Congratulations Year 1 you have reached Level 2 on your marble jar and now have the treat of making mini pizzas.
The children have worked hard and earned marbles for excellent behaviour and learning. Level 3 earns them cupcakes made by Mrs Kirkbride, so start earning those marbles!
Wingham Wildlife Park Visit
The children in Year 1 are off to Wingham Wildlife Park to explore the dinosaurs and animals from different continents. The trip is on Thursday 30th January 2020 and the children need to bring a packed lunch in a rucksack.
Thank you for our Christmas Presents
The Year 1 staff and Mrs Kirkbride would like to say a big thank you for our wonderful presents. It was very generous of you all to think of us at Christmas.
We all hope you have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to working with you all in the New Year.
Term 3
The Term 3 curriculum overview is now ready to view on the curriculum page.
The topic is Dinosaurs, linked to the continents in Geography and the story of Mary Anning in History.
I am also currently planning a trip for the children to Wingham Wildlife Park with Mrs Fulton (our Education Visit Coordinatior). More information will follow in a letter in Term 3.
Mrs Kirkbride
Maths in Year 1
The children have been working hard this term on addition and subtraction. They have been mastering the part, part, whole model and applying this to their problem solving.
Keep up the good work, I am very proud of you all.
Mrs Kirkbride
Reading in Year 1
Thank you to all the Year 1 parents who have supported their child’s reading through practising their sounds and hearing them read regularly. This support really does help your child to become confident readers and writers.
I had a lovely visit yesterday from 3 children who have been practicing their sounds at home and now know them all! Well done to them and their parents.
Mrs Kirkbride
Writing in Year 1
The children in Year 1 have been working really hard this term on their writing. I am so please with the progress they have made with their sentence writing.
Mrs Kirkbride