Where is Mecca/Makkah on a map/globe?
Linked to your Geography learning, can you find where Mecca (sometimes spelt Makkah) is on a map/globe?
- Is it close to the equator?
- Which country is it in?
- What do you think the weather is like there?
- What would you need to take with you if you were going on a journey to somewhere hot?
Muslims travelling to Mecca might take: Hajj robes, map of Makkah (Mecca), the Qu’ran, small stones, spring water, umbrella and a picture of the Grand mosque in Makkah.
Have a watch of this video clip
Imagine that you could visit one place on earth, wherever you choose, to help you become a better human being. Where would you go and why? The North Pole, the Amazon Rainforest or a tiny island might work better to make you a better person than a trip to Disneyland!
Assembly from: Rev Daniel Corcoran