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Letters & Sounds

Miss F's Phonics Group: 


Today we are learning the new sound sh. This sound is a digraph which means the s and the h together makes the single sound sh. Can you think of things that start with the sh sound? See if you can tell your grown-up as many different sh words as possible. Grown-ups, can you make a list of all of these words?


Now watch this video and see if you can sound talk the sh words.


Here is a Phonics Play game called Dragons Den to play. Select Phase 3 and the sh sound to play.


Mrs Haylor's Phonics Group:


This week we are reviewing our Phase 4 phonics learning. 

Watch today's video which focuses on the tricky words 'all' and 'like' and the diagraphs 'ee' and 'ow'.



Visit the Phonics Play website and revise the Phase 4 tricky words by playing Tricky Word Trucks. Select Phase 4!


You could also play Buried Treasure or Dragon's den. 


Here is an optional Phase 4 worksheet that will help you to revise the tricky words. 


Mrs Willis' Phonics Group:


For today's task, I have set you a reading comprehension to complete. It is all about dinosaurs! Don't forget to read the text more than once and to read the questions carefully. 
