Reading Comprehension
This week, you have a non-fiction reading comprehension all about meerkats. You should be good at this after last week's writing!
This week you are going to create your own 'Top Trumps' Desert Animal Fact Cards (you must do at least 2 different animals). Before you do this, you will need to find some information out about some of the different desert animals/creatures: camels, scorpions, snakes, tarantulas, lizards and vultures. There are some fact posters to help you below. You could always choose different desert creatures but you will need to complete your own research on these, maybe using the internet.
Grammar / Punctuation TWO WEEKS' LEARNING
This week, we will remind ourselves about the 4 types of sentences: statement, question, command and exclamation. Do you remember when we learnt these in class related to The Magic Paintbrush story and Ma Liang? Here is some of your learning from way back in January!
Here is a great BBC daily lesson for you to complete here about the 4 types of sentences: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhh6pg8
This will be your Grammar/Punctuation learning for next week too, so don't worry if you don't manage it all this week.
Homophones Pt. 2
- be
- bee
- quite *
- quiet *
- one
- won
- sun
- son
* not homophones, but these words can be easily muddled.
Phase 6
Last week, you learnt about applying the _ing suffix. Can you apply the rules to add the suffix _ing onto:
- run, hit, sit, hop, rub, jog, sip and pop
- jump, think, drink
- joke, make, wake
- sail, look, speak and eat
Phase 5
Please visit Phonics Play to revisit any of the alternative spellings for phonemes which you find tricky. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5