Week 3 17.1.22

This week we will be looking at two books - Supertato and Handa`s Surprise. Our focus will be on healthy eating (vegetables and fruit) We will be amking our own super hero vegetables and learning about fruits eaten in other countries.
We will be setting up our own fruit/veg market stall and using real pennies to go shopping. We will be discussing places in Faversham we can buy fruit and vegetables based on the children`s real life experiences. We will also be learning that Faversham is a market town.
In Maths we will be continuing our work on number bonds by playing games with 10 objects and seeing that our 10 objects can be split in a variety of ways such as 8 and 2, 7 and 3, 9 and 1 etc.
In Phonics this week we will be leaning the following digraphs or and ar and revising all of the previous digraphs we have covered so far. Please help your child to recognise these digraphs at home and keep practicing your pink key words and sounds books. Thank you for your ongoing support.