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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Assessment and Data

In Science, teachers use ongoing formative assessment to identify where whole classes or individuals need to revisit learning or where misconceptions need to be addressed. Regularly revisiting prior learning is also key to supporting pupils to make links between concepts and knowledge in Science.

We also assess through:

  • Pupil Voice/Knowledge checks
  • Scrutiny of meaningful learning; the work pupils produce in itself should tell teachers and subject leaders whether deep learning has taken place. 
  • Assessment Grids using learning objectives from the National Curriculum's Programmes of Study for Science. From the programmes of study, a set of year group expectations have been created on Insight Assessment and these are used as an assessment criteria. They are the key knowledge and skills which pupils need to acquire as they move through Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  Gaps in attainment can be quickly addressed for groups or individuals.