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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Our Key Stage 2 school councillors represented the school at a special service to celebrate 30 years of democracy in South Africa. We had front row seats and a chance to meet Innocent Masuku who sang at the service and was a finalist on Britain’s Got Talent. At the end of the service we had the opportunity to visit the Grave of the Unknown Warrior and the Coronation Chair. Our children were commended on their outstanding behaviour and sense of respect in Westminster Abbey.

Year 3 had a lot of fun reenacting the Celtic resistance led by Queen Boudicca during the Roman Invasion of Britain.

The Romans

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The Romans

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Year 6 visited Canterbury House Care Home this afternoon to share their learning about World War 2 in the local area with the residents. The children had an amazing time talking to everyone and learning about their personal experiences. 

Community Feedback 

We were lucky enough to have the wonderful Ethelbert Road Primary School visit us today at the home with their Year 6 pupils, who were amazing with our residents ❤️ an absolute asset to the school! And so very polite! 

They spoke to the home about what they had learnt during their WW2 project and we were amazed at the knowledge they had. Our residents shared their own experiences and stories and it was something special watching two very different generations come together as one. 

We can't thank you enough for coming to see us and we can't wait to have you back with your choir in April, residents are already looking forward to it 😁

World War 2 Cooking in Years 5 and 6

Year 1 had a wonderful time at The Kent Life Museum. They experienced what it was like to live in Victorian times. This experience was linked to their learning about Florence Nightingale and brought their learning to life.

Year 5 and 6 visited The Royal Engineers Museum as part of their WW2 and Battle of Britain topic. They got to make V2 rockets and find out about life on the home front.

To bring our Stone Age to Bronze Age learning to life, this afternoon, Year 3 made Biscuithenge! We used shortbread biscuits and chocolate biscuit bars to represent the sarsen stone circles and horseshoe and custard creams to represent the bluestones. Afterwards, we ate some biscuits. This was because we are exceptional historians and wanted to show the wear and tear and damage Stonehenge has faced over the last 5000 years. It had absolutely nothing to do with us wanting to enjoy biscuits!

Maidstone Museum

Year 4 visited Ospringe to explore how it has changed over the past few hundred years, including identifying signs of the stream that used to run through the area. Mr Bennett delivered a workshop with many before and after photographs that fascinated us all. We conducted some fieldwork in the meadow, plotted key features on maps and recreated some old photos! Thank you so much to Mr Bennett for helping to organise an interesting outing and to our staff and volunteers for enabling the event to go ahead. 

Ethelbert Road celebrated the Kings coronation yesterday with a special assembly. The Scout, Guide, Cub and Brownie community planted a special Coronation bed designed by James in Year 3, we created a whole school picture using our finger prints, and each child received a commemorative medal.

Year 3 had an amazing time at Kent Life for their Roman Day. They participated in lots of exciting activities and learnt lots about the Romans. The children particularly enjoyed meeting the Centurion and forming the turtle defence move.

Year 4 Maidstone Museum Visit

The Great Fire of London

The Gunpowder Plot

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee at Ethelbert Road

Year 1 have enjoyed learning about The Great Fire of London. This topic has inspired their writing and they have enjoyed exploring our locality looking at and sketchingTudor houses. The Mayor of Faversham spotted our children and came out to talk to them about their learning. 

Year 5’s Ancient Egyptian learning came to life when they visited Maidstone Museum and learnt about mummification. The children put their knowledge and skills to the test by mummifying an orange. They also enjoyed seeing a mummy first hand and linking their learning to a real life object. 

World War 2 and the Battle of Britain 

Year 5 and 6 are learning about World War 2 and The Battle of Britain. To bring their learning to life the classes visited The Royal Engineers' Museum in Gillingham to learn about life in Medway during WW2.

Leeds Castle - bringing history to life

Walk Like an Egyptian!

Year 4's Topic this term is Ancient Egyptians. They learnt about mummification and had fun mummifying Pharaoh Charlotta!

Grace Darling Workshop

VE Day 75 years

Remembrance Day

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On 11.11.2020 Ethelbert Road thought about all the people who fought in the wars to make this world a better place for us all. We marked this special day by making poppies and one by one we attached them to a display. We held a one minute silence and learnt why we should always remember this time. You can see our beautiful display in our school garden or enjoy watching our Remembrance video.

Music Lessons 1949
