English/ Topic
Today I would like you to write a story, poem, diary entry or any other piece of writing to express the things that you like doing and the things that at least one of the children you learned about yesterday likes to do. You could read out your work or decorate your writing if you would like to, perhaps you might even want to write yourself a script to perform?
It might be that there were children who enjoyed the same things as you or it might be that there are children who enjoyed different things to you, you can write about either one.
This is the piece of writing that I will be giving feedback on this week, I can’t wait to see what you come up with. The last time I gave you a choice on what type of writing to do (your snow writing) I was astounded by your creativity and all your brilliant ideas!
Please send me your work by the end of Thursday and I will send your feedback by the end of Monday.
I have uploaded a few pieces of information about different types of poetry, if you would like to write a poem.
Good luck, I can’t wait to see your wonderful ideas!