SEND provision:
Throughout our curriculum at Ethelbert road, our intent is that the Main Stream Core Standards form an integral part of our school’s provision for all children. We therefore embed practices and adaptations that are part and parcel of Quality First Teaching (QFT) to ensure the inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.
For children with Special Educational Needs Schools, we put provision in place for pupils taking in to account all learners’ individual needs and provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
In RE we make reasonable adjustments though ensuring the following where appropriate:
- Practitioners are aware of the additional needs of their learners and their barriers to learning and their inclusion in school.
- Practitioners differentiate to provide suitable learning challenges and cater for different learning needs and styles.
- Practitioners plan for individualised and/or small group learning and programmes.
- Practitioners use steps-to-success or similar to promote independence, scaffold and support learners.
- Practitioners ensure that learners have opportunities to work in different ways, e.g. independently, in a variety of small groups and/or in pairs. Individual and/or small group sessions.
- Practitioners ensure resources are allocated appropriately to ensure additional needs are met. Quality and impact of support, is scrutinised.
- Specific resources and strategies are provided to overcome potential barriers to learning.
For further information , please refer to our SEND policy.