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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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This week, you will learn how to tell the time:

  • o'clock and half-past
  • quarter past and quarter to
  • tell the time to 5-minutes past the hour (5 past, 10 past, 20 past, 25 past)


Note to grown-ups: Time is quite a tricky concept for children. I've found this article which you might like to read: 

Learning about time relates back to some of our prior learning; about fractions (halves and quarters) as well as counting in fives. Thank you.


 If we were in school, then you would be using mini teaching clocks to help you - instead, you can make your own teaching clock using the print-out below. There is also a really good online interactive clock, see the VISNOS link below.



If you are confident with telling the time, can you make up some of your own word problems?  For example: Mrs Kelleher started working at 9.00am and she spent 30 minutes on Year 2's class page.  What time did she finish her work?

Printable Teaching Clock - cut out hands and use a split pin

LESSON 3: 5 MINUTE intervals PAST the hour TO COMPLETE

Telling Time to 5-minute Intervals (only watch up to 1min 44 secs this week)

FOR PARENTS - White Rose Scheme for Year 2, Time
