Term 4 - Gazpacho para nacho. La comida and La pascua
Remember that when we ask a question in Spanish we use an upside down question mark at the beginning"¿" and a normal question mark at the end "?"
Remember that "veo" means I can see.
As you listen to the songs listen out for the words
deditos - fingers
Tengo - I have
This term in Year 1 we are going to find out about some foods that are eaten in Spanish speaking countries and think about how they might be different and similar to the food that we eat - I have included some videos, songs and information below to help to support our learning.
In Spanish-speaking countries Easter is a big celebration. The celebration is called Semana Santa - Holy Week.
We have enjoyed singing and learning some words for some of the easter symbols that we know and love.
Here is a link to some photos and information about Spanish speaking Easter celebrations
A Mona de Pascua is a special Easter cake - perhaps you could design your own?!