Multiplication - Revision
This week, we will revise our learning about Multiplication before we start learning about Division next week. By the end of Year 2, it would be great if you know your 2, 5 and 10 x tables so this learning is really important.
For your Maths learning this week, I have uploaded some excellent White Rose teaching videos followed by a worksheet to complete. You don't have to print off the worksheet, you could just answer the questions on some paper. Try to use objects to help you count in sets or groups - even if you don't have counters, you could use dried pasta, toy cars or even teddies!
Remember, we all learn at different levels and some of these worksheets might be too tricky... please don't worry if they are. I have included an extra task to help you.
Please download this useful Knowledge Organiser which I have attached below.
Multiplication and Division Knowledge Organiser
White Rose Maths Video: Using Arrays