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Our new class book is called Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish, and it is written by Michael Foreman.

Over the next two weeks we will be exploring some of the ideas in the story, such as dreams, desires and how to keep the Earth a nice place to call home.  

Look at the cover of this book. What do you see? What might happen in this story?

Click on the video below to hear the story.


Today's Lesson Focus:


Today we are going to learn to explore the themes (the ideas) of a story through discussion. You will be talking about your ideas in a sentence.


Let’s look at first three pages of the book. I have some questions for you to think about. Perhaps you could get an adult to read these pages with you or you could read them yourself, sound talking any tricky words.


Questions for you to think about or discuss.


What is the man’s dream?

Have you ever had a dream?

What is your dream? Why?


Have you noticed that the dreams we have when we are asleep are

different to the dreams we have when we are awake? The dreams

we have when we are awake are our aims and what we would like to

achieve in our lives.


Your task:


I would like you to use the following sentence opener and write your

dream onto a cloud.


Sentence opener 1) I dream that I will…

Sentence opener 2) I dream that I will… so that…

Here are some examples:


To end the lesson:


Do you think the man will catch the star?

Does this remind you of any other books you have read?
