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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Week Beginning 15/04/24: Words with a long /o/ sound spelt 'ou' or 'ow'.

Week Beginning 18/03/24: Statutory Spellings Challenge Words

Week Commencing 11/03/24: Words with a soft 'c' spelt /ce/

Week beginning 04/03/24: Words with endings which sound like /shul/ after a consonant letter.

Week Beginning 26/02/24: Words with endings that sound like /shuhl/ after a vowel letter.

Week Beginning 27/11/23: Creating diminutives using prefixes micro- or mini-

Week Beginning 16/09/23: Hyphens to join compound adjectives to avoid ambiguity.

Week Beginning 9/10/23: Hyphens to join a prefix ending in a vowel to a root word beginning with a vowel.

Week beginning 02/10/23: Turning -ent Adjectives into -ence/-ency Nouns.

Week Beginning 25/09/23: Homophones & Near Homophones

Nouns that end in -ce / -cy

Verbs that end in -se / -sy 

Sir Linkalot Spellings: achieve, ancient, accompany
