Monday Morning Message
Good morning everyone and welcome to term four. Thank you for all of your emails in term three. It was really great to hear from you. Please email me if you have any questions or even just to let me know what you have been doing. I will be ringing you all over the next two weeks. I will use the school phone on a Monday afternoon and Wednesday.
I hope you enjoy this week's learning and I have made an effort to include more videos after positive feedback.
I miss you all and until we are back in school try your best with your remote learning.
Mr Adkins
Hi everyone!
I hope that you all had a relaxing break, and that you are now ready to begin a new term! As I write, I am hopeful that we may be returning to the classroom this term. I am very excited about seeing you all again, and very much looking forward to our new topic: Shakespeare's MACBETH! Over the next two weeks we will become familiar with the story of Macbeth so that when we do return to school, we will have a good understanding of the characters and the plot. I know how much you all enjoy our drama workshops, so I would like to create a Year 5 performance of Macbeth. Let's hope this is something we can work towards this term!
This week, could you please forward the following tasks to us:
- Mrs Fulton: Comprehension (Tuesday)
- Mrs Calzada: Macbeth Short Writing Task (Friday)
I would love to know what you are reading at the moment, so please include the name of the book you are reading when you send your email.
Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Thank you to all those children who sent in photos and examples of their learning during 'Outdoor Learning Week'. The winner of our NATURE PHOTOGRAPHER COMPETITION is...
Observant robin in a snowy tree by Evan.
Well Done Evan!