This week we are going to revise the 'ai' sound linked to our focus on snails. We are going to be looking at the alternative spellings 'ay','a-e', ' ae', 'a', 'ey' and 'eigh'
Look at the text below and see how many different graphemes you can find for the 'ai` sound? You might want to point them out or alternatively you could print out the text and highlight them (just as we do in class)
There are also some ICT games for phonics in our Learning Zone and you can log on free to Phonics Play. Picnic on Pluto is really good - remember to click on Phase 5 activities.
Reading is so important so please read for 15 minutes every day.
Tell someone in your house about the book you have read. This could be a picture book that you know well or it could be a new book that you try to read independently to yourself. You could read to your favourite teddy or toy. You could also listen to a free audio story or look at a story online.
Please look at the Oxford Owl reading website. It is another lovely way for the children to engage in reading. It is in our Learning Zone but I have also attached the link for you below. You can sign in as a parent by pressing join us in the top right corner.All of the e books are free and there are LOADS of phonic books appropriate for your child. They are just like the ones we would be sending home to you from school.
These are the spellings for week 5:
1. their
2. people
3. Mr
4. Mrs
5. looked
6. called
Every morning have a go at writing them out 3 times in your neatest handwriting, then on Friday see if you can spell them correctly. If you would like a challenge... try and write a sentence with each of these words in. Remember your capital letters and full stops.
I have put a clip of the book ‘The Whale and the Snail’ being read aloud on the link below as well as a BBC Cartoon clip for fun. Take your time reading or watching them together.
Task 1
Can you describe the setting from the picture? What can you see? Is it hot or cold? Can you use adjectives (describing words) to make your sentence exciting?
Task 2
What do you notice about the snail that is similar to Superworm last week? They are both small and very brave! Can you think of how the snail is brave? Write some sentences about the snail being brave in this picture.
I have attached a word mat based upon the ‘Whale and the Snail’ to support you.
Task 3
Find out information about snails and make a fact file. I have attached an example of a fact file below to help you, or alternatively look on our Science page this week as there is some information on there too!