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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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🏴‍☠️ Year R enjoyed a pirate afternoon with their parents. They sang pirate songs and enjoyed doing pirate activities 🏴‍☠️

Exploring our School Garden

Seaside's from the past

A Day in Year R

Uploaded by Ethelbert Road Primary School on 2024-05-15.

Teaching our children about maps begins in Year R. The children in our Reception class enjoyed draw a map linked to they journey to school.

Orange class visit from a dog!

Transport- Cars

Chinese/Lunar New Year

The Giant Jam Sandwich

RE - Mosques and Churches

The Little Red Hen

Handa's Surprise

The Enormous Turnip- Making vegetable soup

The Gingerbread Man


Fun in the snow !

People Who Help Us - Firefighters

Maths- Finding One more

First Class Photograph- Newspaper

Remembrance Day Activities- Printing poppy pictures

We learnt about Diwali and completed a workshop.

2d Shape hunt - inside and outside

Firework Learning

Halloween Activities



First week at Ethelbert Road School 2023
