Unit 9: Numbers to 50
Today we will be starting a new maths unit.
This unit focuses on interpreting, ordering and comparing numbers to 50.
Children will also be introduced to counting in multiples of 2 and 5, and will be encouraged to notice that multiples of 2 end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 and that multiples of 5 end in 0 or 5.
At the end of the unit, children solve word problems for the first time, by identifying the number sentences that relate to the problems. This is an important step and allows children to build on their prior knowledge of the number system, addition, and subtraction.
Structures and Representations
The children will continue to use part-whole models, ten frames and number lines in this unit. They will also be introduced to Base 10 equipment which allows children to see the structure of a number, and how it is made up of tens and ones.
Key Language
There is some key language that children will need to know as part of the learning in this unit: tens, ones, compare, order, less than (<), greater than (>) number names and numerals to 50.
Today's Lesson Focus
In this lesson, children will recognise numbers to 50 and count objects to 50. They will develop their use of the number line beyond 20 and up to 50 and be able to count forwards or backwards from any number up to 50.
The video below is great if your child needs to practice counting to 50. It also shows the children how to count in 10s too.
If your child is confident in their ability to count to 50 and in groups of 10, watch the following video:
Today’s Maths tasks:
Choose which star activity you would like to complete.
If you have 50 lego pieces, or 50 pasta pieces, practice counting to 50 and grouping the pieces into groups of 10. If you would like to also do a worksheet, answer Question 1 on the video worksheet.
Complete the video worksheet.
Complete the Challenge Sheets.