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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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  Today we are going to continue to look at our spellings. Have a watch of the next spelling bundle for Sir Linkalot, ‘Weird Wordsworth’. This bundle is named for William Wordsworth, a poet from about 200 years ago. How many can you get right on the test? I like the information about where the chocolate comes from in this bundle. Can you spot how chocolate links to our topic this term?

  We are going to continue looking at spelling rules for adding the suffixes    -er, -ed and -ing to words. Have a look at the PowerPoint, can you say the words out loud and hear which syllables are stressed? Can you notice how the words change when you add the suffixes at the end?

  Once you’ve looked at the PowerPoint you can try one or some of the sheets below. You could also draw pictures or try to come up with your own links like Sir Linkalot to try to remind yourself how to spell these words.

  If you usually do phonics during our spelling sessions take a look at the activities below to practice your brilliant phonics skills.
