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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Year 2 had an amazing day at wildwood. They had a guided tour of the wood and took part in a work shop all about the food chain.
They also heard how the wolves at Wildwood talk to the wolves at Howlets, even though they are seven miles away!

Year 2 Trip By Sophie Rew: On Friday Yellow Class went to Mrs Clinch's Farm. First we got in the two minibuses in groups. When we arrived we got out our compasses and maps and saw where we were going. Then we went to the hops and looked at the cleaver. Cleaver is sticky and Mrs Clinch stuck some to her coat! By Chloe: We walked up the hill ... it was a very muddy path! Then Mrs Clinch showed us a place where we could sit and eat our biscuits. After that we went into the woods and made some amazing dens. By Anton: Finally we set off back to Ethelbert Road but before we left we got to feed the horses with carrots. By Sofia: It was a great trip and my favourite bit was exploring the woods.

Chinese Dance Workshop

We have enjoyed learning about China

Year 2 Welly Walk - we raised £75 for the RNLI! Well done Yellow Class!


Visit from Gerry from the RNLI
