Monday message
Welcome back to our last week of remote learning! I am SO excited to see you all next week and can’t wait until we are all back together in Blue Class! You have all worked SO hard over the last few months and I have LOVED getting to see your fantastic work and photos of you enjoying your learning.
We still have one last week of remote learning and I have tried to make it as fun as I can to prepare you for all the fun I have planned for when we come back to school! This week also includes one of my absolute favourite days of the entire school year – World Book Day! This is on Thursday 4th of March and we have got lots planned to make the day as exciting as possible – you are all encouraged to dress up throughout the day as your favourite book characters and spend as much time as you can reading! I have tried to make all our lesson on Thursday link in to World Book Day and made some of them a little shorter to give you time to enjoy reading!
Our maths this week is going to be a whistle stop tour of some of the maths that we learned when we were at school to give us a chance to remember the learning we have done at school. On Monday we will take a look at place value, Tuesday we will revisit addition, Wednesday we will focus on subtraction, Thursday there are some challenges linked to reading and on Friday we will check in on multiplication and division.
In Topic/ English we will take another look at simple, compound and complex sentences to help embed our knowledge of these sentence types. The video that we will watch to help with this includes pictures from Aladdin, which is a PG film. There are no clips from the film in the video though. We will also look at how letters are written and have the opportunity to write our own letters, either based on ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes or written to Miss Tucker. We will be writing the letters on Wednesday and this will be the work that needs to be sent to Miss Tucker by the end of Thursday. On Thursday our whole day will link in to World Book Day and on Friday we will focus back in on our local area topic.
Have a fantastic last week of remote learning! Remember to send me your learning from Wednesday and to email if you need anything or want to share anything.
See you soon!
Miss Tucker