Spelling and Handwriting
How did you get on with your spellings last week?
Did you manage to learn them all?
If you are finding 10 too many to learn all at once, just practise 3 or 4 each day and then have another go at the ones you find most tricky, at the end of the week.
Don't forget to ask an adult to test you on your spellings at the end of each week.
This week's spellings are:
- better
- letter
- slipper
- have
- give
- live
- when
- where
- why
- what
Put each of your spellings into a sentence. This will help you learn the spelling as well as practise your handwriting.
We must remember capital letters at the start of every sentence and a full stop at the end of every sentence.
Check your sentences. Do they have a capital letter and a full stop?