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Today I would like to give you a few options for English. I have thought of three possible writing tasks linked to our class book. Please choose at least one but do feel free to try more. 

  • Make a diary from Bradley's point of view. What thoughts and feelings would he include? How would he present the diary - in a neat and tidy way, or scruffy and messy?
  • Make a diary from Jeff's point of view. What would he say about Bradley and the events of the story? How would his diary be different from Bradley's? Why?
  • Think about Bradley at the point where he thinks he's a monster, you could draw a poster of monsters, with a red heart in the middle. Then write an 'I Am' poem from his point of view. Then think about Bradley at the end of the book and draw Bradley as a regular-looking boy with a big smile. Then we do another 'I Am' Poem. It will beautifully show the profound changes Bradley Chalkers goes through!'