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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Reading is so important so please read for 15 minutes every day.

Tell someone in your house about the book you have read. This could be a picture book that you know well or it could be a new book that you try to read independently to yourself. You could read to your favourite teddy or toy.  You could also listen to a free audio story or look at a story online.


Please don't forget the Oxford Owl reading website.  It is another lovely way for the children to engage in reading.  It is in our Learning Zone but I have also attached it here for you too.





These are the spellings for this week:

1. ask

2. friend

3. school

4. put

5. full

6. our


Every morning have a go at writing them out 3 times in your neatest handwriting, then on Friday see if you can spell them correctly.


The Very Busy Spider


This week we are going to carry on our minibeast theme and will be learning about Spiders!  In Literacy we are going to use the story 'The Very Busy Spider'.


Please read the book if you have it, for your reading today.


Activity 1

Remind yourself of the story by watching this clip


What a busy day the spider had, spinning his silk web.

Can you write about your busy day? It may not be today, it may have been a few days or weeks ago.

You could talk about all the amazing learning you did that day, maybe you went out for a walk or rode a bike in your garden, or perhaps you painted a lovely picture for someone?

I'd like you to write at least 5 sentences telling me all the things you got up to on your busy day!


Activity 2

Today I'd like you to think about story sequencing. This is the order that a story is told.

Watch the video of The Very Busy Spider again, or use a book to help if you have one, and think about the order the animals appear in the story.

You can record your story sequence in this worksheet, which I have also put at the bottom of the page for you. You can choose whether you draw pictures, write a sentence, or cut them out and stick them on!



You might like to think about what happens at the very beginning of the story first. Then each animal that appears (don't forget they need to be in order!). And lastly, how the story ends.


Here are the animals to help you and for you to check the spellings of tricky animal names!



Activity 3

I'd like you to do some creative writing today about Spiders!

You could change the ending to The Very Busy Spider - maybe he goes off to play with all the animals and comes back to a feast of insects stuck in his web.

You could write your own version of the story - maybe it could be called The Very Lazy Spider. He didn't make his web and couldn't catch anything to eat, so his animal friends had to help him.

Or maybe you're feeling brave and want to write a completely different story about a spider?

I'd like you to think really carefully about your writing, making it exciting by using adjectives to describe things. I'd also like you to use your best handwriting, remembering capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

This might take you a while, so you can spread this over two days. You are welcome to include your own pictures if you want to.



Activity 4

You have learnt so much about Minibeasts this term! So to finish off our learning, I'd like you to play the Minibeast Description Game!


You will get 3 clues for each Minibeast and you need to guess which one it is.


Adults - for this to work properly, open the presentation, select slide show on the top bar, and select from the beginning. When the slide show is open click the page to reveal the first question. Then make sure you click each leaf to reveal each clue. When all three leaves have been clicked a reveal button will appear at the bottom of the page. When the children have guessed, click reveal to show them the answer. Then click next and repeat.

I think there are a few more Minibeasts than you may have looked at, but I'm sure they'll be able to guess what they are with a little help.   

