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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Term 5 - La salud y el bienestar - Health and wellbeing

This term we will be learning key language associated with health and well-being. This includes recalling previously learnt language such as body parts, food and drink, colours, sports and clothes. We will use the adverbs "nunca" never, "a veces" sometimes, "a menudo" often and "todos los días" everyday. We will continue to develop our listening and reading comprehension skills with songs, fun activities, role-play and written work.

Vocabulario: En el mercado

As we have been reflecting on healthy choices you may also enjoy these videos:

Spring Colours Spanish Mindfulness Practice

🎶 LA NUBE | Relajación de Yoga (SHAVASANA) | MINIPADMINI (Yoga para niños y niñas)

🧘🏻‍♀️ 🧘🏾‍♂️ MINIPADMINI (Yoga para niñas y niños)🎶Canción"LA NUBE" | Relajación de Yoga (SHAVASANA)Canta esta Canción y relájate junto Minipadmini y su...
