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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Writing by Candlelight and Making Viking Shields

Christmas Carol Service

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Christmas Carol Service

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Christmas Carol Service

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Christmas Carol Service

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Year 5 and 6 Christmas Carol Service

The Highwayman Drama Workshop

Buddies !

Year 5 had a lovely afternoon last week meeting their new Year 1 buddies. We are sure they will have fun playing and reading together this year. 

Space Art 

Year 5 have been enjoying their Earth and Space topic in their art lessons. They have been looking at 'retro-futuristic' artwork and preparing the elements they need to create their own masterpiece. We are looking forward to seeing their final pictures.

Playground Solar System

We had fun in the playground acting out how the different planets orbit the sun. There were a few dizzy heads when the planets themselves started rotating about their own axes !
