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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Year 4

Welcome to RED CLASS!

Term 1


In Term 1, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians! We will also be visiting Maidstone Museum to see their Egyptian Artifacts and to see a real life Mummy.


  • Drop off 8.40 am / Pick up 3.15pm at the back door
  • Spellings and Times Tables will be given out on Mondays and checks will take place each Friday.
  • The children will be set TTRockstars challenges on a weekly basis. 
  • PE is on Thursday afternoons - please come to school in your PE kit.
  • In Term 1, we will also have Swimming on Wednesday afternoons. Please bring your swimming kit to school with you. 
  • Fitness is on Monday afternoons (starting in Term 2). You are welcome to come to school in your PE kit. 




