Times Tables
Each week, we will have a different focus for our Times Tables. We will learn our Times Tables in class across the week.
Children should practise their Times Tables at home throughout the week ready for a check on Friday.
Week Beginning: 28.11.22
This week, we will be learning the 4x Table. As 4x can be a little tricky, we're going to have two weeks to learn this one. On Friday 09.12.22, we will have a Times Table check to see how we have got on with the 4x Table.
Checked: 09.12.22
Week Beginning: 14.11.22
This week, we will be consolidating our learning around the Times Tables that we have focused on so far. This is the 2x, the 5x and 10x Tables. On Friday, we will have a Times Table check that will contain questions from each of the Times Tables.
Checked: 18.11.22