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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Year 1 visited The Shrine of Saint Jude and the Catholic church. The children explored the different features of the church and compared it to a church of England church. They also spent some time sketching in the garden. They had a great morning and showed respect for others faiths linked to the British Values and our school values.


Year 4 visited the National Shrine of Saint Jude as part of their art trail in Faversham. The children enjoyed sketching the amazing paintings and stain glass windows and learning more about how these objects were made. They learnt about the catholic faith and how the shrine of Saint Jude is important to them.

Our families joined us at St Mary’s Church for our Easter assembly. Our children sang and played beautifully and it was a joy to see our older children looking after their Reception buddies. Thank you to Rev Dan for making our assembly so special.

  In reception this term we have been learning about special places. We have learned about Churches and Mosques, we have talked about who might go to these buildings and looked at what sort of things we might find in and around them. The children had great fun working as individuals and in groups to build Mosques and Churches using some resources in the classroom and some religious artefacts.

 This term Year 3 have been looking at the question, 'Why do we pray?' We have looked at how Christians, Muslims and Hindus pray, as well as thinking about our own thoughts and feelings surrounding prayer and what we think it is. When learning about how Hindus pray we learned about Hindu shrines and the children drew around a murti (statue) of the god Ganesh to show their learning about the variety of items that may be found in a Hindo shrine.

Last term years 5 and 6 explored Christian and Islamic art. As part of this learning we learned that most Islamic art is made with calligraphy and does not include pictures of people. The children then used the 99 names of Allah to make their own Islamic art. 

A big thank you to Reverend Dan for supporting our Year 5 & 6 Christmas Carol Service this morning. It was truly a spectacular service with a wonderful retelling of the Christmas Story, accompanied by sing and our Ethelbert Orchestra. Thank you to our families and friends who joined in with this very special event.

Ethelbert Road Choir

Still image for this video

Stings group playing

Still image for this video

Year R Nativity

Year 1 and Year 2 Nativity

Year 5 and Year 1 visited the church today to find out how Christians celebrate Christmas with the birth of Jesus. A big thank you to our parent volunteers who helped with this trip.

Celebrations learning in Year 1

Year R explored the vibrant festival of Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights! Our children had a fantastic time learning about the culture and traditions associated with this special celebration 🪔

Diwali in Year R

  Year 6 made a peace tree, writing things we can do to bring peace on each leaf and combining them into a whole class peace tree. 

Peace Tree

  In Year 6 we developed some short dramas based on what people would do in scenarios if they held different values, such as freedom, justice and mercy.

Values dramas

During term 1 Year 1 explored Judaism and looked at the question: Who is Jewish and what do they believe?

It was lovely having so many of our families and friends join us at St Mary’s of Charity Church for our Harvest Festival. A big thank you for the donations of food for the Faversham Food Bank. I know the food was gratefully received.

Ethelbert Road children delivered their Harvest food boxes to our wonderful neighbours today. It was lovely hearing the lovely things they said about our school and the Harvest boxes were gratefully received.

Year R’s Harvest Festival

Learning about Rosh Hashanah

Exploring items we may find in a Jewish home

Canterbury Cathedral

Remembrance Day 2022

Harvest Festival

RE celebration day 2021


Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year

Thank you so much to all of our families who have so kindly donated food to us for Harvest Festival. Our year 6 children have been decorating food boxes ready to be filled and donated to our elderly neighbours and Faversham food bank.
