This week, you will learn how to use your number facts to help you solve problems.
Here are some of the number facts that you should know by now:
- Number bonds for 10 and 20 (eg. 5 + 5 = 10, 15 + 5 = 20) Don't forget that you also need to learn the subtraction facts: 10 - 5 = 5, 20 - 15 = 5
- Number bonds to 10 related to number facts up to 100, e.g. 4+6=10 is related to 40+60=100.
- Multiplication and division for the 2, 5 and 10 x tables (but we are only focusing on addition and subtraction facts this week).
This week, your tasks are:
1. Practice recalling your number facts through a variety of games / videos
2. Complete some sheets/booklets with Word Problems
Number Bonds for 20
Maths Games for recalling of Year 2 Number Facts:
- Target! Write out the numbers from 0-20 in a line. Throw a bean-bag. If you land on, say, 5, then you have to shout out 15 (since 5 + 15 =20).
- Write the multiples of 10 from 10-90 on square pieces of paper. Your opponent chooses a card and you must say what you would add onto that number to make 100. So, if my opponent chooses 20, I would shout out "80!". (I know this because I know that 2 + 8 =10 so therefore 20 + 80 = 100).
- 'I SAY, YOU SAY' Up to 10: I say 4, you say 6 Up to 20: I say 12, you say 8 Up to 100: I say 20, you say 80.
Activities to Print out and Complete
Below, there are a variety of activities to suit your different needs. If you are really confident with your number bonds to 20, then you don't have to complete that task.