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Ethelbert Road

Community Primary School

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Young Voices

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Young Voices

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⚽️ Ethelbert Road’s football team fought hard to win their match yesterday 1-0. Well done everyone ⚽️

Year 1’s focus artist is Kandinsky. He is very famous for his colour study called Concentric Circles and Squares. In Art they discussed Kandinsky's famous painting, looked at his use of primary and secondary colours and then created our own concentric circle pattern. The children really enjoyed the process and have created amazing pieces of art.

Our Year 6 children put on the most amazing performance of The Dreamer at the Alexander Centre. There was laughter, tears and lots of fun. The children worked together to make this show outstanding and seeing everyone take part was a delight. A huge thank you to our marvellous school staff and Ethelbert friends for their enthusiasm and commitment to the school.

Our Shakespeare Club were invited to the Marlowe Theatre to rehearse their scene in the RSC Associate Schools performance of Hamlet. They had a tour of the theatre, tried on their costumes and accessories, enjoyed a warm up workshop and got to see the technical side of the theatre while rehearsing. The children were fantastic and are now very much looking forward to their performance on the main stage of the Marlowe on Tuesday 25th June.

Our Year 5 and Year 6 children who are taking part in the  Faversham Community Opera event at St Mary’s Church enjoyed a mask making workshop with Mrs West. Their masks and singing voices are amazing. 

Year 1 art inspired by Gwen John

Year 3 have been learning about complimentary colours on the colour wheel. Andy Warhol was the inspiration for their art work linked to their learning  about volcanoes. 

Mrs Willis created artwork with Years 2 & 3 for the Flock Together project ( Swale Creative Schools Network) is now on display at;


Yr 2 – in Alexander Centre (window near the entrance, so it can be seen at any time of day/night)

Yr 3 – In Sheerness Dockyard Trust ME12 1RR

War Hammer Club

Ethelbert Road Primary School Rockets to Success in Annual RAF STEM Challenge

Year 6 Viking Showcase ‘Here Comes the Vikings’

Remembrance Day Whole School Art

Sometimes all you need is a box and your imagination!

Happy Diwali

Our Values

Early Years

The Stone Age

Building Bridges

Cross country running team

The Platinum Jubilee

Please take a look at all the amazing things happening at Ethelbert Road linked to our bespoke, fun and creative cross curriculum approach. Please visit our 'Latest News' page for more exciting activities and events.

The Great Fire of London

Amazing Eyes

Year 5 and 6 are learning about World War 2 and The Battle of Britain. To bring their learning to life the classes visited The Royal Engineers' Museum in Gillingham to learn about life in Medway during WW2.

Remembrance Day


This afternoon we held a Remembrance assembly and each of our children added their finger print to this beautiful piece of artwork created by Mrs West. We will be donating this art to a local care home to enjoy.


Please enjoy watching our remember service. 

Grace Darling Workshop
The children in Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a workshop linked to their learning about Grace Darling. They have been learning about significant people in history and how Grace Darling risked her life to save others. 

Recycling Week
We had so much fun celebrating and promoting the benefits of recycling. As a school we are creating opportunities for us all to implement positive change that will help protect our planet.


Our Recycling Prefects set to work leading by example picking up rubbish in our playground and garden using our new litter pickers. Elsa, Rosalind and Violet in Year 5 did their own mini fundraising in order to buy litter pickers for the school. 

Ethelbert Road will continue to support recycling and educate our children on how to look after our wonderful planet.

European Day of Languages 
The whole school enjoyed celebrating European Day of Languages on Friday. The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated across Europe on the 26th of September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. It was set up by the Council of Europe and was first celebrated in 2001. 


In mixed year groups we explored why it is important to learn a language and explored three counties, Bulgaria, Poland and Portugal. The children took part in a variety of creative activities to learn some languages and culture information. We started the day with an assembly learning about the history of European Day of Languages and ended celebrating what we had learnt. 

It was a wonderful opportunity for some of our EAL children to become ‘mini teachers’ and share with their peers their language and culture. 


Year 6 had the most amazing time at PGL and learnt a lot of new skills. What a fantastic way to end their Ethelbert Road journey and to experience new and exciting things.

Mental Health Week

Fantastic Fred

Black History Month

In Year 5 we looked at some of Kehinde Wiley's work as part of Black History Month. We took his famous portrait of former US President, Barack Obama, and created self-portraits in that style. We made printing plates from styrofoam to print ornate backgrounds to our portraits and then used oil pastels to enhance our photographs. 


In Year 4 we celebrated Black History Month by learning about the incredible work of Martin Luther King. We produced a combined piece of art work using shading techniques. 

Easter Assembly 2021


Happy Easter to you all. Please find attached our Easter Assembly for you to enjoy at home. We are sorry you could not be with us this year. This assembly does not include our Reception Class as we had technical issues with their song. The Year R teachers will be sending parents a link soon. 




World Book Day 2021 at Ethelbert Road Primary School

We all celebrated World Book Day together whilst some children were home learning and others were in school.

Year 6 Viking Video


What a super day we had at Reculver Towers! The gods were certainly with us: sunshine, little wind, a low tide and some fierce Viking warriors! What fantastic costumes! The filming, thanks to Mrs West and Mrs Jago, was a slick operation, and while they were busy filming different scenes, we collected sea glass from the beach with the idea to create a sea glass picture inspired by our trip. We also practised our slow motion battles with the shields we had made at school. After lunch, we were off to Mrs Clinch's farm to shoot more scenes. Thank you Mrs Clinch for your wonderful hospitality and delicious hot chocolate!


You can watch our amazing film by clicking on the link below:

Kent Literacy Award First Prize Winner 2020



I am so proud to say we won first prize in the Kent Literacy Awards 2020. Well done to our amazing Literacy Leaders and our wonderful children. 


We decided that we NEEDED to engage and excite our readers! This initiative was special as we were keen to involve our amazing Year 6 children. We carefully paired them up with a younger reader, aiming to forge a relationship based on mutual trust. A contract was signed by the Ambassadors to ensure that the program would occur daily, and the ambassadors understood the value of their role and the confidentiality aspect. All of the Ambassadors took their roles very seriously and wore their Ambassador badges with pride. Reading skills, alongside speaking and listening skills, were strengthened daily through their lovely meetings in a book corner of their choice.

Year 6 children who wanted to become an ambassador were interviewed and then trained at lunchtimes in synthetic phonics and how to support a younger child and boost their confidence. Before the scheme began, the partners met up for talking sessions to get to know each other and find out about their interests and their thoughts on books and reading. The scheme was a huge success as the children selected books together and shared books together. There was something special about this scheme being run by children, and as the Ambassadors became more involved in their partners reading, they really wanted them to succeed. They approached the Literacy Leaders to ask if they could reward their partners. Our skilled Year 6 children had a genuine desire for their partners to succeed and wanted to help them do so. It was evident that this scheme was a huge success as staff members were constantly praising the Ambassadors and noticing the improvements in reading in their classrooms.

The biggest challenge was time. In a very small school building with split Infant/Junior lunchtimes it was always going to be tricky. Finding time to train up the Ambassadors and finding quiet spaces were our biggest issues; however, the Ambassadors themselves helped solve this by speaking to individual teachers and requesting to work in their book corners. Ambassadors were keen to give up their own break time to find appropriate books. Some of the Ambassadors even brought in their old books from home to donate to their partner, further encouraging them to develop a love of stories!

From October until March we noticed a MASSIVE improvement in the interest levels in reading. The younger children began to see themselves as readers and had made a friend in their year 6 partner too who they trusted and felt secure with. Every single child moved up at least one reading book band and the pride on their faces was priceless. We had more and more year 6 pupils wanting to become an Ambassador and more and more younger pupils wanting to be paired up with an Ambassador. This fact alone speaks volumes about the success of the initiative. We had great plans to embark on this further and then... we went into lock down!


Remembrance at Ethelbert Road

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On 11.11.2020 Ethelbert Road thought about all the people who fought in the wars to make this world a better place for us all. We marked this special day by making poppies and one by one we attached them to a display. We held a one minute silence and learnt why we should always remember this time. You can see our beautiful display in our school garden or enjoy watching our Remembrance video.

Harvest Festival

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Welcome to Ethelbert Road’s Harvest Festival. As families could not join us this year we decided to bring our celebrations to the community. We hope you enjoy the performances which are in two parts. The first part is Year R, 1, 2 and 3 and the second Years 4, 5 and 6. Enjoy!

Harvest Festival Part 2

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All You Need Is Love

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Stories from different cultures


Two of our amazing Year 5 children, Adam and William, shared an idea for a kindness project With the Headteacher. Adam and Will would like the adults to give out WEKIND tokens to any child or adult that has been kind. The child will put their token in the class box and then at the end of the week Adam and William will count them and allocate each class a prize. These boys have been amazing and worked hard with their plan. I know the Wellbeing Team are super proud of them.

‘WEKIND is all about kindness and support. This means supporting your friends and helping whenever. Classes will be rewarded for random acts of kindness. Adam and Will (Year5).

The children and staff at Ethelbert Road wore Yellow on Friday to raise awareness of children’s mental health. We raised £197.64 for the charity Young Minds and had a fantastic, fun-filled day. A big thank you to everyone who joined in to support our young people and the young people around the UK to get the support they need with their mental health and well-being. Check out the galleries in the Class Pages for more sunshine photos! 

 VE Day


Friday 7th May 2020 is VE day (Victory in Europe Day) and this year marks 75 years since the end of WW2. Although we can celebrate this special event in school I would like to share some of the amazing things you have been doing to celebrate at home.

WW2 Bunting Project

We have taken part in the WW2 Bunting Project in memory of MF Pinn. Our bunting will be on display in the Town Hall as part of the VE75 celebrations during May 2020.


Christmas at Ethelbert Road Primary School

Ethelbert Road Football Team

Ethelbert Road Choir

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Ethelbert Choir opened the Faversham Christmas Market on Saturday 23rd November. Their signing was amazing! A special thank you to Kathy West and Jude Nockolds who gave up their time to support the children at the event and the practices.

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Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing our photographs.

Congratulations to the Ethelbert Runners who did an amazing job on Saturday 23rd November.

Best Library in Kent

Ethelbert Road won an award for the Best Library in Kent! The famous author Nick Butterworth presented the award.

This Girl Can
