Unit 7: Addition within 20
Today’s Learning Focus:
In this lesson, we will be finding and making number bonds to 20. We will be learning the link between bonds to 10 and bonds to 20.
Don’t forget to keep practicing your number bonds to 10 so that you can recall them quickly.
Today, we are going to practice our number bonds to 20 by using our number bonds to 10!
For example:
If we know,
8 + 2 = 10
Then we know
18 + 2 = 20
In today’s lesson, we are going to be showing number bonds in lots of different ways: using a part-whole model, a tens frame and a bar model.
Watch this video to find out more:
Today’s task:
Complete as much as you can of today’s worksheet.
Challenge Task:
Go on to the following website and play the Robot Addition Game, select addition up to 20. How well do you know your number bonds to 20? How fast can you complete each game?