Today we are going to be refreshing our knowledge of addition. There are three options again today. Option one is if you feel like you are not very confident with adding using column addition – you will be adding using column addition but not going over the tens or hundreds, so you will never need to do any exchanging. Option two is if you are feeling a little more confident, you will be adding using the column addition and will need to exchange. Option three is if you feel really confident and find adding using column addition very easy. You have another mystery to solve, with some addition problems and some other problems as well.
Option 1
Have a look at the video below, solve the problems in the video and on the worksheet. Make sure you listen carefully to the explanations of the questions to help you remember how to answer them. Answer the sections of the worksheet when the video tells you to and remember to mark your answers as you go so you can spot any problems when you get to them.
Aut3.7.4 - Add two 3-digit numbers - not crossing 10 or 100.mp4

Option 2
Have a look at the video below, solve the problems in the video and on the worksheet. Make sure you listen carefully to the explanations of the questions to help you remember how to answer them. Answer the sections of the worksheet when the video tells you to and remember to mark your answers as you go so you can spot any problems when you get to them.
Aut3.7.5 - Add two 3-digit numbers - crossing 10 or 100.mp4

Option 3
Have a look at the mystery below, can you figure out who has stolen the presents out of the party bags?
This mystery has a mixture of questions, some you need to use your adding skills and some need your multiplication, division and place value skills, so you have the opportunity to practise lots of maths skills today! The final problem involves coordinates, something which you will learn in year 4, have a go and see if you can figure out the problem, but if not don’t worry and just take a peek at the answers for that problem!
Have fun and good luck!