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Community Primary School

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Complete your activity and write your Instructions 

Task 1:

Watch my Loom Video showing my instructions for planting a seed:

ALERT #1: Can you spot my blooper related to the months?  Clue - it's quite early on in the video!

ALERT #2: I realised afterwards that I didn't add any adverbs ending in _ly.  See if you can beat me!


Task 2:

Carry out your chosen task (make a pizza/cake, plant a seed, building a model, making a sandwich… it’s up to you!)  You might like to take photos of each step to help you with your writing.


Task 3:

Start your instruction writing.  Remember to give your Instructions a title like ‘How to make ________’.


Here are the features to include:

  • Use 'How to....' in the title.
  • Lists (eg. materials, ingredients, equipment)
  • Numbers/bullet points to show order
  • Imperative Verbs
  • Sentence starters/time connectives (First, Next, Then...)
  • Short, clear sentences
  • Diagrams/illustrations




Mrs Kelleher's Broad Bean Instructions
